Job advice for a successful sales career

The niche site in sales job offers gives you some tips to succeed in your career. News of your profession, discover tips and tricks to close a sale, recruitment trends in sales. Many quality articles that will help you maximize your chances of finding the position you are looking for.

Company life

Incivility: another manifestation of individualism?

If we are to believe Donald Black (The Social Structure of Right and Wrong, 1993), the expression of discontent in the working world evolves. Employees abandon public mass events (strikes, petitions or sabotage) in favour of more private reactions, specifically incivility in the workplace. How is it manifested? What are the internal reactions? How are […]

Not to be missed

Do you have to be an extrovert to be a good sales representative?

It is often thought that an extrovert makes a better sales representative by his ease in communicating, self-confidence and persuasive ability. But is this really the case or is it just conventional wisdom? Having the gift of the gab, being communicative and energetic are often the qualities that come to mind when we think of […]

Jobs search

Dare to apply without having all the qualifications !

Employers are increasingly demanding with regards to the skills of administrative employees. However, it is quite rare for a candidate to have all the requirements. Here are some tips of what to emphasize when you decide to apply without having all the qualifications. Zaïda B. Mangones, employability consultant at the Club de recherche d’emploi de […]

Career management

Aggressiveness in Sales for Closing a Deal

For some salespeople, selling is like… going to war. The customer is an adversary that must be beaten to close the sale, even if it means being aggressive. But what is the best approach to take? Is aggressiveness in sales really a good thing for closing a deal? To get what they want, some salespeople can […]

Jobs search

Top 5 Most Common Job Interview Mistakes

Entering the job market for the first time, changing careers after several years at one place or aiming for a higher job… there are many different reasons motivating us to have an interview. Do you know how to succeed? Here are the top 5 most common job interview mistakes. Not being prepared for your interview […]

Company life

Sociocratic governance – hope for employees

If you have had enough of stress at work or even want to avoid burnout, consider sociocracy. This method of dynamic governance is bringing satisfaction for employees, while developing productivity in organizations, as the Canadian geneticist David Suzuki says in his book Good News for a Change. What is this method of governance based on? […]

Jobs search

Does a false CV automatically lead to dismissal?

Many surveys confirm it – about 40% of the population have lied on their CV. A diploma that wasn’t completed, an exaggerated internship, software not mastered… candidates often inflate their skills to gain access to the coveted position. But once hired and unmasked, how serious are these lies? “A false cv is never good, but […]

Career management

How to Succeed With Door-to-Door Selling

Door-to-door selling is well known to be the most difficult marketing activity. So it’s not surprising that it has lost its shine in recent times. Yet this prospecting technique is coming back in force. It has many benefits and can be very profitable, provided certain strategies are mastered. Door-to-door selling does not require any files, […]

Jobs search

How Can You Justify a Dismissal?

Did your last work experience end in a dismissal? Here’s how to justify to a recruiter the fact that you did not achieve your goals. “The job interview is not a confessional,” starts off Mathieu Bréard, vocational rehabilitation counsellor. “Yes, you must be honest about the reasons for your dismissal. However, there’s no point in […]


Internal candidates: watch out for pitfalls

What a happy surprise to see the job of your dreams posted on your company’s intranet. Be careful though, because what seems to be an opportunity in your eyes could quickly prove to be a disadvantage… How do you prepare and behave for an internal recruitment? What links need to be woven within the company […]

Jobs search

The Art of Regaining Control of your Job Interview

When the recruiter doesn’t ask questions that let you highlight your strong points, how do you turn the job interview to your advantage? Tips. An ability to engage or collaborate, a sense of organization and a spirit of initiative are all important assets for a company. Even though as a candidate you have these valuable […]

Not to be missed

How to Optimize Your Customer Follow-Up ?

How to optimize your customer follow-up? Following up with a prospect is always a delicate operation. Fear of appearing oppressive, of getting another rejection or of not knowing what to say when getting back in contact – there are many reasons for procrastinating with this task. Yet studies show that 80% of sales come after […] network