Job advice for a successful sales career

The niche site in sales job offers gives you some tips to succeed in your career. News of your profession, discover tips and tricks to close a sale, recruitment trends in sales. Many quality articles that will help you maximize your chances of finding the position you are looking for.

Company life

Are you starting to leave the cubicle?

Having become the ultimate symbol of the beige and depressed worker, the cubicle has lost ground to working in the open air. Even though, it is far from being the workplace’s Holy Grail, the cubicle is lacking for numerous office employees. Nikil Saval—author of Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace—explains in an interview in […]


Body language at an interview

It is often said the most of what is said is not expressed in words. The tone of voice, facial expression and also and especially the attitude and gestures count for much in the message that you want to convey. The problem is that many of these elements are subconscious. Learn how to master them […]

Jobs search

Beat the competition with these 4 tricks in your job search

Convinced that you’re the ideal candidate for that coveted position? But you aren’t the only person being considered? How do you stand out from other candidates? Here are four effective ways to beat the competition. 1. Generate hype Your CV is perfectly constructed, clean, and concise, but never attracts recruiters’ attention? It’s probably boring. If […]


Investors can be easily approached with these 3 tricks

Approaching investors—those fortunate people supporting start-ups—represents a challenge if your contact network is limited. Here are some tricks to improve your chances of capturing their attention. Targeting investors You have decided to present your business in events attracting investors and entrepreneurs? Excellent initiative. The hiccup? They may not necessarily understand the market in which you […]

Pay and benefits

Compensation negotiation: think of the benefits!

There’s more than just salary to compensation negotiation. If your future employer cannot make a purely financial effort, you may be able to obtain benefits that are just as interesting.  Why would benefits work when salary won’t budge? Companies, especially major corporations, sometimes have salary scales that they cannot escape from without the risk of […]


Resume tips: What your hobbies say about you

At the end of your resume or LinkedIn summary, mention that you practise yoga or are a passionate photographer. It gives the recruiter a sense of the kind of person you are. But this information speaks more about your personality than you know. Put hobbies on your resume? Pfff, many agree that this is the first […]

Company life

How to successfully return to work in the professional world

The return to work after having taken parental leave, sick leave, a yearlong sabbatical, or a long trip, can sometimes be as exciting as it is frightening. Here are two experts who share their advice on seamlessly reintegrating back into the professional world. Whether an intentional or unintentional interruption, when the time comes to step […]

Company life

From Colleagues to Friends

Why not make friends in the office  It improves team productivity and makes your surroundings more pleasant. If only there were good reasons to befriend our colleagues. Theory tells us to leave our emotions at the office door, but it’s more complex than that in practise.  Emotional ties inevitably create work problems.  So, how can […]


The real risk? The last five minutes of an interview

You have spent a good hour putting in tons of effort to look interested, dynamic, perceptive, curious, and—five minutes to the end—you lose your balance and wipe out. One last question knocks you off your feet, you let out a thank you that sounds fake, an innappropriate gesture right as you’re leaving. Here is some […]

Company life

Management tricks to inspire your team to do more

As an entrepreneur, is motivating your work team still a big challenge? There is no miracle cure, but you are the best person to motivate them by example. Here are some inspiring management tricks. Offer flexible hours Every day give your employees breaks to recharge (while ensuring they respect their commitments), it will help them […]

Company life

Office holiday party

Yes, the countdown has started and the end of year parties are overflowing our diaries.  Between the office holiday party and Aunt Annette’s there remain only a few time slots available to answer to the requests of our CFO who wants to finalize the budget for the end of the year! How do we stay calm […]

Company life

The commute, a chance to rest

Contrary to common belief, time spent commuting to or from work is a positive experience for a majority of Canadians. According to a study published by the Toronto advertising agency Bensimon Byrne, 77% of commuters even report being in a better mood after their daily commute.   15.4 million Canadians travel to and from work […] network