How to Explain Frequent Job Changes to an Employer?

Although employees are in favour of the practise of frequent job changes, employers, on the other hand, see it as an inability to be engaged and a risk of losing new arrivals too quickly.

57% of Canadian workers believe that changing jobs on a regular basis can be beneficial, especially in terms of salary. At the same time, 59% of employers say that they would be unlikely to give a chance to a candidate who frequently moves from one job to another since they want to avoid the risk of losing them in the future, at a time when loyalty is a major problem for companies, especially in sectors where there is a shortage of talent. This is what is revealed by a Robert Half study, which also notes that younger professionals are more likely to change jobs often and that companies with more than 1,000 people are more reticent than others to recruit these persons who are considered unstable.

CV, letter, interview – a practise that sells yourself

If you are looking for a job, a few tips can help you justify your frequent job changes or even turn them into an argument.

The first step is the CV. Instead of opting for chronological order, rather put forward your skills and accomplishments. Specify only the experience relevant to the position you are aiming for – there’s no point noting that you were briefly looking after children between two marketing assignments!

The second step is the cover letter. Avoid saying anything negative to explain your frequent job changes (dismissal, not getting along with your supervisor, salary too low) and rather stick to the positive side: you took the best of many employers and acquired a number of skills and qualities that someone with a more linear career path does not have. You are more adaptable, have broader knowledge on how all kinds of companies operate, have developed a large network of contacts who will be of service to you in your next position… There are so many things that can be put forward to successfully get to the next step.

Which is the interview. The key here is preparation – you know perfectly well that your interviewer is going to ask you about the gaps in your CV, any inconsistencies, and about this tendency you have to quickly get bored with a company. Have the answers to these questions and know how to reassure him. You will have to convince him that you have every intention to stay on in his company, that he will not be needing to look for someone to replace you within a few months. Explain your ambitions for promotion after you have first researched the company to make sure it is feasible with this employer. Make it clear that these various positions you have held have allowed you to acquire transferable skills and be armed with references from your former bosses who will be able to confirm this know-how and self-knowledge.

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