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Special COVID-19 – review of hirings and dismissals – July 2020

In recent weeks, the Quebec economy has been gradually recovering. Is the return to work reflected in the statistics? According to the results of Statistics Canada’s Labor Force Survey released on July 10, the answer is yes. In fact, after an increase in employment of 231,000 in May, Quebec experienced an increase of 247,500 in […]


Etiquette in non-assigned offices

Gone are the traditional custom offices for each employee! Companies are now opting for spaces where everyone can work wherever they want, respecting the strictest health standards, while deconfinement is well underway in Canada. Open areas, conference rooms, semi-private rooms and even lounges are being made available to staff. These redesigned offices are perfect for […]

Oddly enough

Original teleworking!

A little relaxation 🙂   


Working From Home 101

During this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, where physical distancing is essential, many professionals are discovering teleworking and attempting to tame this new way of accomplishing their tasks. However, this comes with challenges, especially if it lacks structure… and fun. Here are five tips for getting your work done well at home. Create a routine […]

Not to be missed

Jobs in Sales – New Skills Needed

The job of a sales representative is more complex than it was at the time when the seller only had to deliver a good “pitch” to close a sale. Prior research done by the buyer explains this big change. Learn how a salesperson must adapt to this new reality, according to the experts from Dancause, […]


When going far away to work gives a boost to your career

Security guard, kitchen help, longshoremen, technical workers, crane operators, waiters… There is no shortage of job openings in Prince Rupert. In this village of 12,000 inhabitants located on the shores of the North Pacific, two hours by boat from Alaska, the port is in an economic boom, to the point that businesses are struggling to […]

Career management

5 Ways to Network Like a Pro

There is no longer any doubt about the many benefits of networking. How can you use it to stand out and, especially, to avoid missing opportunities? Here are five strategies to achieve this! Have a clear plan  It’s not enough to dress up! Before the meeting, make sure to review the goals. If possible, take […]

Jobs search

Looking For a Job? Here’s What to Avoid at All Costs!

Finding an exciting and rewarding job is not easy! Here are some faux pas that can ruin everything… right from square one. Not coming to terms with a job experience Dismissal, psychological harassment, seeking new challenges… The end of a job should never be taken lightly. It’s necessary to take the time to take on […]


Artificial Intelligence – Business Analysts Won’t Be Able to Do Without It!

Long regarded as a cutting-edge technology only accessible to large conglomerates, artificial intelligence is about to be introduced into the majority of companies, in all industries. It is also transforming the role of business analysts… Interpretation of data Anand Medepalli works at Element AI, which employs more than 500 people in North America, Europe and […]

Career management

Are you a slasher?

Philippe, 56 years old, has been a merchant for more than thirty years. Several years ago, he gave himself the “leisure” to develop other skills, to the point that today he presents himself as a merchant/CEGEP teacher/trainer/musician. You will understand, the “slasher” label comes from the accumulation of angled bars, slashes, on the presentation. Like […]


Unplugging During the Holidays – Mission Impossible?

Year after year, studies show that Canadians still struggle to disconnect from work during the holidays. And it’s going from bad to worse, according to a new survey conducted by the Accountemps recruitment firm. Gone are the days when the computer was shut down after having summarily programmed an out-of-office autoreply message. Today, with a […]

Company life

7 Tips to Manage your Stress at Work

Deadlines, pressure from managers, results to be achieved, difficult customers, colleagues with anxieties, difficult period for the company…  There are many stress factors at work and for the most part they are out of your control. But there are some that you can take action on and others that you can learn to put in […]

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